Mon 27 Jan
EARLY MORNING SPECIAL!!!!Brand New Girls !!!!!TODAY ONLY!!!!!!!! Casino Specials - 20
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, UTICA & sourronding areas)
AT CASINO NOW!!SPECIALSmaking out calls in the area! 100% real 100% classy - 26
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, CASINO surrounding areas)
DoNT sETTLe fOr LeSS -- U kNoW iM tHe BeST -- LaST NiGHt aVaiL -- cAtCh mE wHiLe u CaN :) - 22
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, iNcALLs aNd oUTcALLs)
👄👅Turning StOnE spEcIaLs 🚘💸💧3XΘTiC ❥2 GiRLZ ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ as 🍯 -αvαiℓabℓε ➜ Y O U R # 1 C H O I C - 23
█ █ █►✿HOT✿█ █ █►✿PORN STAR!!✿█ █ █►✿HOT✿█ █ █►✿ Experience Like No Other! ✿█ █ █►✿HOT✿█ █ █► - 26
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, Utica, Rome and Oneida areas)
Sweet you will not regret seeing me
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
***~Sexy Sultry Sensual Bodyrubs~*** BEAUTIFUL SPA-LIKE SETTING - 30
(Syracuse, syracuse oswego and surrounding areas)
LeT mE bE yOuR DiRtY LiTTLe SeCrET -No ReGrETs iMpOssiBLe tO FOrGeT--OuT oF ToWn - 21
❄💕⛄Hey Baby It's cold outside 💕⛄Come Over Let Me Wa🔥rm YOU Up❄💕⛄Catch Me While I Am Here💕⛄❄ - 24
(Albany, Buffalo, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Incall or Outcall 💘, Ithaca, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown)
PLEASE READ AD. Looking For Men Who Travel - 22
(Binghamton, Buffalo, Elmira-Corning, Glens Falls, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Rochester, Twin Tiers, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
♥αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ 💋 №➊ 【*•• BoMbShEll••*】 ♥【aMaZiNg 💋•SpEciAls】 ✓# 【HiGhLy SkiLLed】 call NoW☎ - 22
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, Utica - Incalls Only:100%Me:)
🌟💎👄Upscale Sexi Hottie CrazyBody Waiting 2 plz an Tease U👄💎✨🌟 - 24
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica /n genesee)
%%%% Ill Make Your Weekend Just What You need with the Best Servive In Cny %%%% - 25
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, incalls only safe location)
CHASITY n CHERRY NEW SPECIALS 60ss 80hh 100hr 180HR BOTHcall now 5188488192 - 19
(Utica incall, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
ATTN : iiM BaCK aLL wEEkeNd ** YoU dOnT waNT tO miSS mE-NeW NuMbEr NeW NuMBeR * iNcALLs * - 21
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, INCALLS TODAY ONLYY!!!!!!!)
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
🔥🔥🔥 Hot, Stunning💄 ,Beautiful, Attractive Lady(😘 Tiffany) - 23
(Ithaca, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown, Your place or mine)
Highway to heaven hit ebony bombshell - 19
(Binghamton, downtown, Ithaca, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown)
[:¦: uP :¦: :::aLL::: niGht[:¦: [:¦sExY¦: :¦:] :::sWeEt ::: rEaDy :::fOr::: yOu:¦:]~> - 24
(utica] oUt HeRkiMeR fRanKfOrt iLLiOn...)
😉😉😉 Hey!! It's finally the weekend! Come let me help you relax!!! 😉😉😉 - 38
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, Utica/Rome/Marcy/Verona)
🍬 🍭 ©a$¡N¤ 2NiT€🍬 🍭 °..✭{Breathtaking Beauty}✭..° 🍬 🍭 ☆ Seductive & Sinfully Sweet☆ 🍬 🍭 - 22
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, In//Out)
💲😉💲Hi Guys!!! It's the WEEKEND I'm AVAILABLE ALL WEEKEND!!! Contact me for specials!!! 😉💲😉 - 38
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, Utica/Rome/Marcy/Verona)
New (PICS)The perfect match it's real..No rush not here to waist time 😘😘😜 - 29
(Utica, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
💎💎💎💎😘 Busty Slim Petite & EVERYTHING You Need💎 - 21
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, unrushed, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Waterto)
eXpLiCiT pLeAsUrEs ****BaCk iN aCtiOn HeRe tO pLeAsE**** NeW NeW nEw PiCs
Two sexy girls looking to have the time of our lives with you! - 23
(Utica Herkimer Rome, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
a sexy companion for all your needs & desires!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
IM BACK don't miss out Chasity 3158670538 with 100 hour special today only - 25
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, new Hartford)
🎄🎁 Hi Guys, AVAILABLE ALL DAY!!! Come get yourself an early Christmas present? Contact me!!! 🎁🎄 - 38
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, Utica/Rome/Marcy/Verona)
💎💎💎Call now 1-561-420-2546. ##### GEORGIA'S PEACH - 21
~🍒 SexXy$60$ ThUrSdAy SpEcIaLs🍒💰💲 *HoTT**WiLd**& ReAdY 4 U💰 💯GeNtLeMaN🔥 💋 🍓👅 🍒💋👅💞 - 23
(CARRIER CIRCLE, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
ATTN : NeSSa *iTaLiAN DoLLFaCe bAcK uNTiL THURSDAY oNLy * nEw piCs * - 21
[:¦: sWeEt :¦: :::aLL niGht::: :¦×°x°×¦: sExy ::¦eRoTiC¦:: ::pLaYmaTe:: ] - 24
EARLY MORN. HUMP DAY HR/FULL $100 💋 I Kno What I Want 2 Do 2 U 💋 Do U Know What U Want 2 Do W Me ? - 37
(Buffalo, MORN. ROCHESTER 585*524*8551, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
Sat 11 Jan
❊ VICTORIA ANNE,Highly REVIEWED and VERIFIED ❤ YøuR DiRtY liTtLe §€¢r€T 🔒🔑♥H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD♥ - 22
(UTICA IN/OUT 315-520-4740, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
I want to be your girl tonight
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Tue 07 Jan
💋👅👅OUtCaLl/ tURNiNg StOnE SPCls💋 DoMiNiCaN PRiNCeSs💋 oNE NiGHt OnLy👄 - 23
(Utica Oneida turning stone rome, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
2 girl special emily and amy come relax with the best - 23
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica rome herkimer & surrounding area)
New To T0WN( *50*50 ) Specials▓ Thick ☆ I☆ LⓞVⓔ ☆ WHAT ☆ I ☆ ÐO ❤☞ ÅddI©+!V€ P L € A S U R A B LE - 23
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica)
Mon 06 Jan